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Unsere Seilbahnkunden in Österreich dürfen weiterhin auf eine zertifizierte und professionelle Software setzen, welche beste Grundlage für die Erfüllung der Sorgfalts- und Instandhaltungspflicht liefert.




DIGITAL DAY direkt neben dem Eis – ein Volltreffer!


Die Remec AG und die Sisag AG organisierten im Frühjahr für Ihre Kunden, die zur Tradition gewordenen «Digital Days», die am 28. und 29. Mai 2024 in Schattdorf stattfanden.


SAMBESI wurde vor rund 10 Jahren erstmals den Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt. Seither hat sich die Welt der Software-Entwicklung stark gewandelt. In dieser neuen Umgebung stossen wir mittlerweile mit der 10-jährigen Architektur und der bestehenden Technologie von SAMBESI an einige Grenzen, wenn wir neue Funktionen einführen möchten.


Mit der «Sambesi.API», der Webservice-Schnittstelle von Sambesi und unserer eigenen Datenaustausch-Plattform «Datahub» lassen sich sehr einfach Daten zwischen Fremdsystemen und Sambesi austauschen. In den letzten Wochen haben wir die Plattform um zwei weitere Systeme ergänzt, aus denen automatisch Messwerte ins Sambesi übernommen werden können;  


Der Schweizer Fachverband für Wasser, Gas und Wärme (SVGW) hat die W12 und Leitlinienpunkte überarbeitet und eine neue Version herausgegeben.


Auffälligkeiten aus dem Betrieb von Sambesi sind nun auch im SisControl Cockpit verfügbar. Durch die Realisierung eines neuen Widgets, lassen sich die WhatsUp Einträge aus dem Sambesi im SisControl Cockpit anzeigen. 


Wir durften spannende Vorträge und Informationen für die Kunden der Remec und Sisag an den Digital Days Deutschschweiz 2023 präsentieren.

Die Digital Days in der Romandie und das Sambesi Forum in der EU und in der Deutschschweiz finden später in diesem Jahr statt.


Die Remec AG durfte bereits einige Wasserversorgungen in der Umsetzung der Selbstkontrolle nach der Richtline W12 des SVGW unterstützen.

„Die SVGW-Richtlinie W12 deckt alle Bereiche der lebensmittelrechtlich erforderlichen Selbstkontrolle von Trinkwasserversorgungen ab. Als vom Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen (BLV) anerkannte Branchenlösung enthält sie Vorgaben zur Einhaltung der «Guten Herstellungs- und (...)

Wir freuen uns auf viele bekannte und neue Gesichter an der INTERALPIN!

Im Gepäck mit dabei haben wir unter anderem;
▪ SAMBESI X: professionell, modern, digital - Instandhaltung und Anlagenverwaltung as a Service
▪ KASSANDRA: Gästeprognose für eine optimale Betriebsplanung
▪ POLLUX: Simulation (...)

Dank einer neuen Schnittstelle zwischen Alturos Destinations' beliebter digitaler Marktplatz-Lösung und KASSANDRA können neu Gruppenreservationen, welcher ein Gast auf der Webseite erstellt, vollintegriert in unser Gäste-Prognose-Tool einfliessen. Dadurch kann die weit verbreitete Anforderung der automatisierten (...)

Wir sind aktuell wieder Teil der Weiterbildungskurse 2023 des Schweizerischen Brunnenmeister-Verbands. Gerne stehen wir mit Rat und Tat rund um die Instandhaltung für Wasserversorgungen zur Verfügung.
Zu finden sind wir in der Eventhalle am Stand-03.

Zudem: während einem Referat zeigt Markus (...)

In almost all countries, ropeway companies have to keep operating logs in order to prove to the authorities that the duty of care and maintenance has been fulfilled. The South Tyrolean government has now approved our SAMBESI software for keeping digital operating logs.

Among other things, SAMBESI makes it easy and uncomplicated to keep digital operating logs with a trip log. In the process, all required information is stored in a largely automated manner and then output in a (...)

SAMBESI was first made available to customers about 10 years ago. Since then, the world of software development has changed a lot. In this new environment, we are now reaching some limits with the 10-year-old architecture and existing technology of SAMBESI when we want to introduce new functions.

For this reason, we have decided to modernise SAMBESI. This modernisation has very far-reaching consequences and we are building a completely new application with new architecture, (...)

For the first time in the history of the Digital Days, we were able to hold an Italian version in Cardada in Ticino. We welcomed 26 participants from Ticino, Valais and Grisons to Locarno's local mountain in perfect weather.


This week, around 60 people accepted the invitation to the SAMBESI Forum in German-speaking Switzerland for the water, utilities, facility, industry and other sectors.

In addition to specific application topics with SAMBESI such as "Hydrants & valves with link to third-party systems", "Electrical equipment testing" or "W12 recording", general topics such as "Maintenance as a core competence" or "Structure and use of (...)

The KitzSki ski area records all its cable cars, snowmaking equipment and work equipment with SAMBESI. With our maintenance software, the cable car operators plan and document their maintenance work - and thus create a valuable knowledge database.
Find out more: in the SI Magazine from Seilbahnen International Verlag GmbH:

Titlis Bergbahnen in central Switzerland has been using SAMBESI as a comprehensive maintenance tool since this year.
In addition to the mountain railways, the flexible software solution is also used in various other areas throughout the company; building management, snowmaking, snow groomers, piste and rescue services, playgrounds and leisure facilities.


"The ongoing debate shows that there is a need for ideas and strategies on how small hydropower can best assert itself with intelligent concepts for protecting the environment in the economy and society - and these are precisely what will be discussed at the forum."


After a successful start yesterday evening, today we will enter the official part with exciting further education lectures and exhibition activities at the VTK in Lugano.
We are looking forward to the informal exchange with our colleagues from the ropeway industry!

This week the 3rd edition of the Sambesi Forum EU took place at the Bergisel in Innsbruck.


Cable cars are an important alternative and supplement to existing transport systems in urban areas.

At the first Cable Car World Congress in Essen, we will be present together with Sisag with our products and services for networked mobility.

Thanks to all participants for the exciting discussions and the intensive exchange during three customer events last week;

  • SAMBESI Academy 2022 - Water

  • SAMBESI Academy 2022 - Ropeways

  • Digital Days 2022 in Western Switzerland together with Sisag AG

This week, together with Sisag AG, we had the pleasure of welcoming our "cable car customers" to the Digital Days 2022 at the SisCampus for two days.
Exciting input presentations and news from the in-house developer forge encouraged an intensive exchange.

Many thanks to all visitors for their active participation!

Now we are looking forward to next week's edition in French-speaking Switzerland.

Congratulations to all finishers at the Engadiner Skimarathon - especially to our team [SAMBESI - powered by Remec] - with reinforcement from the ranks of Sisag AG.

During the last two days, we officially started the next development cycle of SAMBESI internally!
In several workshop sessions, we discussed the numerous preliminary works together, planned the realisation, discussed risks, made decisions and got in the mood for the next months.


- the luxury resort includes about 40 facilities; hotels; wellness areas, restaurants, staff houses, roads, railroad facilities, sports facilities like golf or tennis up to the bee house
- about 50 tablets with ZambeziMobile are used daily by about 300 users
- about 400 smaller and larger incidents are reported and processed with Zambezi per month
- around 18,000 preventive maintenance and inspection tasks are called up and processed in a structured manner via tablet; from room (...)

Digital InnovatioIn partnership with Sisag AG and ProSim GmbH, Remec AG has developed a simulator for mountain railroads. The "digital twin" Pollux supports operators of mountain railway destinations to ensure the best possible experience for the guest - today and in the future.
The simulator supports mountain railroads that, for example, need to replace lifts or want to expand the number of kilometers of slopes.
The area is first digitally recreated 1:1 in the simulator, in order (...)

Last week, the former apprentices of Sisag AG and Remec AG met at the new SisCampus. After an update on the growth of the Sisag Group in recent years and a tour of the new premises, the 50 participants were able to reminisce about their apprenticeship days over a fine dinner at 54Hochgenuss.


This week we held the Digital Days 2021 of Sisag AG and Remec AG.
No less than 24 exciting input presentations during 3 days - have inspired our customers, our partners and ourselves to new ideas.

We would like to thank all visitors and partners for their active participation! Once again it has been shown that the exchange and proximity inspires a partnership cooperation.

Many thanks to the team of CFL - Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois for the great partnership.


In spring 2020, Remec was able to look back on its 10th anniversary. With a weekend in Zermatt and the successful ascent of the Breithorn at 4'164 m.a.s.l., we were now able to enjoy the official celebrations one year later than planned.

Apprentices, project managers, technical managers, software developers, board members - they were all at the summit!

We thank our loyal customers and partners for the successful cooperation and look forward to the next 10 years!

Remec AG was allowed to support the recording of the W12 at the water supply of the Firstbahnen with the help of the SVGW-certified maintenance software Sambesi.


Yesterday we were able to welcome interested people from the water supply sector and industry in a webinar. Among other things, we presented the digital maintenance, the GIS module and the W12 / risk management. As a user from practice, we were able to welcome Carlos Pighin from Schlieren live in the studio and discuss various questions from the audience with him.

We were very pleased about the lively and active participation!

Yesterday evening we updated our cloud customers to SAMBESI version 6.1.


Die Messwert-Ergebnisse der Wasserproben-Berichte vom kantonalen Labor in St. Gallen können neu automatisiert in unsere Instandhaltungssoftware Sambesi importiert werden. Ein weiterer Schritt in der Effizienzsteigerung und Digitalisierung der Instandhaltung. Weitere Kantone sind in Planung.

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich gerne bei uns!

It is with pleasure that we have successfully welcomed another 9 "water supply customers" to the SAMBESI family during the last few weeks. A warm welcome;


On Wednesday, November 4th and Thursday, November 5th, we were able to successfully invite our customers to a webinar. At the two webinars for the water supplies and cable cars, we were able to show our new developments in Sambesi and above all risk management and bring our customers up to date. We thank you very much for the participation!

New customer for the technical management


New customer in the Glarus region

Sportbahnen Braunwald AG operate cable cars for their skiing and hiking area in Glarus. They also maintain another cable car on behalf of the company. In the future, all cable car systems will be documented with the Sambesi and planned in accordance with authorities and manufacturers.

You can find more information about the Sportbahnen Braundwald AG here.

Butzenbüel funicular

With the construction of the Circle, a new funicular is being built at Zurich Airport, which will make the stay even more attractive for guests. With this funicular, the Sambesi will be introduced at Zurich Airport.

Information about Zurich Airport at

In Dotternhausen, a new lorry system is being built for Holcim (Süddeutschland) GmbH to transport the mining dismantling from the mine down to the cement works.


We are happy to welcome our 50th municipality in the Sambesi community of water supplies.

The municipality of Weesen is now operating its Riviera on Lake Walen with our software tool Sambesi. Have fun.

Link to the community of Weesen

With the municipality of Fiss, Remec wins its first customer for the water supply in Austria.


Guided lifts in Colfosco


Our 5th cable car customer in South Tyrol belongs to the Dolomiti Superski group and connects Selva with the Gardena Pass. We are very happy to be part of the famous and busy Sellaronda.

We wish the Seggiovia Dantercepies SPA a lot of fun with our Sambesi tool.

You can find more information at

Aufgrund der Anforderungen für die SVGW Richtlinie W12 und des BAV Hilfsmittels zur Beurteilung altrechtlicher Anlagen entwickelten wir über die letzten zwei Jahre ein neues Modul Risikomanagement für unsere bewährte Software Sambesi. Mit diesem Modul bieten wir unseren Kunden ein handliches Werkzeug um Risiken zu erfassen, verwalten und zu bewältigen.


With the Bergbahnen Pfelders we welcome our 4th customer in South Tyrol.

The cable car operator from the Passeier Valley is now maintaining its cable cars with our Sambesi. This ensures that customers can travel safely to the area at any time, in summer or winter, and enjoy nature on foot and on skis.

You can find more information at

WVRB AG, as the owner of the plant, is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the primary system within a radius of approx. 30 km around Bern. The primary system facilities of WVRB AG include spring and groundwater catchments, reservoirs and treatment plants, transport pipelines and measuring and control systems. In future, it will carry out its QA and maintenance work in the SAMBESI software.


Whether there is a shortage of skilled workers, transition phases or a low budget - there are many reasons why mountain railways do not employ their own technical managers. The REMEC company, with its hireable experts, offers true "MacGyver" for the operation, maintenance and inspection of cable car installations.


Our forecast software KASSANDRA is preferably used for the number of guests. However, it is multifunctional and can also be used for business forecasts. For the first time, we were now able to apply this sales forecast to a customer in the catering industry. The Hotel Klausenpasshöhe, on the beautiful Klausen Pass, has a long tradition, but is progressively managed by a young couple of landlords. The KASSANDRA turnover forecast is used for the planning and management of the restaurant. (...)

Die Wasserkorporation Benken betreibt die Wasserversorgung der Gemeinde Benken. Sie führt in Zukunft Ihre QS- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten in der Software SAMBESI. Ebenfalls werden Sie die neue gute Verfahrenspraxis nach der Richtlinie-W12 des SVGW im Sambesi anwenden.

Die Industriellen Betriebe Landquart betreiben die Wasserversorgung der Gemeinde Landquart. Sie führt in Zukunft Ihre QS- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten in der Software SAMBESI. Ebenfalls werden Sie die neue gute Verfahrenspraxis nach der Richtlinie-W12 des SVGW im Sambesi anwenden. Sie werden bei der Integration und Erarbeitung der W12 durch das Ingenieurbüro Marugg + Bruni AG GmbH unterstützt.

Die Wasserversorgung der Gemeinde Morschach und Stoos führt in Zukunft Ihre QS- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten in der Software SAMBESI.

Die Wasserversorgung Glattfelden versorgt über 5000 Einwohner mit Trinkwasser. In Zukunft führen Sie Ihre QS- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten in der Software SAMBESI.

Die Gemeinde Illgau liegt auf 807 m.ü.M inmitten einer herrlichen Bergwelt, zwischen Muotathal und der Ibergeregg. Die Wasserversorgung der Gemeinde Illgau stellt für ihre Einwohner die Wasserversorgung sicher und ist für die Abführung des Abwassers (Hauptleitungen) zuständig. Sie sind als Mandant in der Basisinstallation der WasserSupport GmbH geführt und werden dadurch auch bei der Integration und Aufarbeitung eines neuen QS unterstützt.

Sambesi has successfully been certified by the SVGW and is now the first IT solution to receive the “Q-W12 SVGW” mark of conformity. Thus, the SVGW certifies that our software SAMBESI professionally maps the legally anchored self-control and thus fulfills the requirements of the SVGW guideline W12 and can implement it in terms of IT. So we can guarantee our customers that you can meet the legal requirements with our software and the risk management module.


We are very pleased to welcome the first customer from America, Alaska! Icy Strait Point are building two gondola lifts in Hoonah. The two gondola lifts mainly carry cruise passengers on their day trip. The easiest way to get to Hoonah is by boat, and it's around 60 miles by air from Juneau. We are pleased to be able to supply Sambesi to the 4th continent with Alaska.

Die Einwohnergemeinde Silenen betreibt neu die Ersatzwasserversorgung Silenerboden der AlpTransit Gotthard AG.


Die WV Rapperswil-Jona hat sich entschieden ihre bestehende QS-Software durch SAMBESI abzulösen. Die Wasserversorgung Rapperswil-Jona versorgt rund 27'000 Einwohner mit Trinkwasser. Die 6 Mitarbeiter der Wasserversorgung betreiben und unterhalten 4 Grundwasserpumpwerke, 3 Stufenpumpwerke, 6 Reservoirs und über 139 km Hauptleitungsnetz. Sämtliche Anlagenteile werden in Zukunft in SAMBESI erfasst und dokumentiert. Ebenfalls wird die WVRJ die neue gute Verfahrenspraxis nach der Richtlinie-W12 (...)

Die Gruppenwasserversorgung Amt und die Wasserversorgungsgenossenschaft Affoltern am Albis haben sich gemeinsam für die QS-Instandhaltungssoftware SAMBESI entschieden. Sie werden in Zukunft sämtliche Anlagen der Wasserversorgungen im SAMBESI erfassen und deren Instandhaltungs- und QS-Arbeiten dokumentieren. Die GWV Amt wird bei der Integration und Aufarbeitung des neuen QS nach W12 durch die Firma Holinger AG unterstützt.

Johannes Stadler is the new CEO of Remec AG from January 1st, 2020. He is taking over from Marco Zgraggen, who will move from Remec AG to Sisag AG within the Sisag Group. Johannes Stadler has been working as a project manager and cable car specialist at Remec AG since April 2015. The 38-year-old wants to continue the successful path of Remec AG and increasingly position the products and services abroad and outside the transport industry. Marco Zgraggen is still available to Remec AG as a (...)

Die Wasserversorgung Winkel (ZH) ist neuer SAMBESI Kunde. Sie werden in Zukunft sämtliche Anlagen der Wasserversorgungen im SAMBESI erfassen und deren Instandhaltungs- und QS-Arbeiten dokumentieren. Die Wasserversorgung Winkel versorgt rund 5000 Einwohner mit Trinkwasser. Die Integration der Anlagen und Aufgaben wird zusammen mit der Remec AG erstellt.

For the eighth time we were able to welcome our customers to the Sambesi Forum. This year, the majestic mountain Pilatus, near Lucerne, provided the perfect backdrop, for a total of 80 participants. As last year, we had presentations in 3 languages, covering the cable cars, water supply and infrastructure sectors. Various innovations in Sambesi gave the participants from Switzerland and Austria topics to exchange, enjoying at the same time, a good meal in the Queen Victoria Hall on the (...)

We are very pleased to welcome the first customer from Australia! The Scenic World Blue Mountains operate two cable cars in Katoomba and the steepest funicular in the world. The company welcomes 1.2 million guests annually and is about 16,500 km in a direct line from our headquarters in Altdorf. Sydney's local recreational area can be reached in less than two hours from the metropole and will plan and conduct its maintenance with SAMBESI with immediate effect.

Already for the second time we were allowed to invite our customers from Germany and Austria to the Sambesi Forum. This year we met in the middle of September in Vorarlberg, more precisely in the Propstei St. Gerold. The church educational and meeting facility Propstei was founded more than 1000 years ago and offered us a contemplative and inspiring atmosphere to talk about the news and "best practices" of SAMBESI. Our guests enjoyed an informative and instructive day in a special place.

Die Wasserversorgung Eschenbach führt in Zukunft ihre Selbstkontrolle in der Betriebs- und Instandhaltungssoftware SAMBESI. Die WV Eschenbach wird die Integration der Aufgaben selbst übernehmen und wird dabei von der Remec AG unterstützt. In einem zweiten Schritt soll auch die gute Verfahrenspraxis der W12 integriert und angewendet werden.

At the Interalpin exhibition 2019 in Innsbruck, Remec AG presented, together with the Sisag Group, its latest innovations in the field of Sambesi maintenance software as well as the Kassandra customer forecasting tool. Existing customers and new prospects were welcomed in a comfortable atmosphere with a cool booth design. Once again, Remec AG was able to demonstrate its inventiveness and knowledge of the sector.

With a fantastic weather we were able to welcome you at the “Zugersee Schiffahrt” in Zug for the seventh Sambesi Forum Switzerland. On the wonderful MS Rigi we presented Sambesi’s innovations and also introduced our new product Kassandra. Approximately 70 participants listened to the interesting presentations, which were held for the first time in the three national languages German, Italian and French. We also had in Zug, for the first time, a separate group of water suppliers who (...)

For the first time this year, we were able to hold a Sambesi Forum especially for our customers from Germany and Austria, as we have been organizing it since several years in Switzerland. The chosen place was the Predigtstuhlbahn in Bad Reichenhall. In a cozy atmosphere, we were able to present to the approximately 25 cable car professionals the latest developments of our maintenance software Sambesi. In particular, the module for the slope and rescue service was received with great interest. (...)

The beautiful and honorable Grand Hotel Giessbach on Lake Brienz was the scene of this year's Sambezi Forum. In front of 50 interested participants from all over Switzerland, we were able to present live the latest features of Sambezi and discuss future developments. For the challenge of maintenance in the field of summer activities, we were able to present practical solutions with the aid of NFC identification and are pleased to note that there are apparently no limits to the possible uses (...)

Remec AG has been represented in Austria by Alexander Brandtner for over a year now. Success is also set in Austria now. Just in time for Interalpin 2017, the cable car Komperdell GmbH in Serfaus has chosen an absolute top destination for our maintenance solution Sambesi. We look forward to the joint implementation of the project.

The use of Sambesi has long outgrown cable cars. Especially with water supplies and proof of quality assurance, the advantages of our documentation software are particularly effective. In our new brochure you will find out the most important reasons why your water supply should be documented with the help of Sambesi.